New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data

TitleNew Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data
Publication TypeDatabase
AuthorsWard, LG, Morrison, RC, McAvoy, ZS
Department NameCenter for Coastal and Ocean Mapping
Organization NameUniversity of New Hampshire
LocationDurham, NH
KeywordsGrain Size, New Hampshire Continental Shelf, Seafloor Photographs, Sediment Photographs, Western Gulf of Maine

The "New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign - Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data " contains photographs of the seafloor from sampling locations, photographs of the sediment samples, and grain size data from a major field campaign conducted in 2016- 2017 and from the UNH Ocean Engineering 972 Hydrographic Field Course classes in 2012, 2014, and 2018. In total, sixteen one-day cruises provided 150 samples for grain size analysis. The database provides complete descriptions for each sample including identification, station and sample characteristics, sediment classifications, grain size statistics, and grain size distribution. Presented here are tables with the station locations and types of data available followed by single sample summaries for each sample collected and analyzed. Included in each summary are location information, seafloor photographs, photographs of the sample (in field and laboratory) where available, collection information, sediment classifications, grain size statistics, and grain size distribution. Samples were analyzed with standard sieve and pipette analyses after Folk (1980). The sediment grain size classifications include: CMECS (Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard; FGDC, 2012); Gradistat (Blot and Pye, 2001); and Wentworth (Wentworth, 1922; described in Folk, 1954, 1980). Statistics are based on the phi scale and include the graphic mean, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis (Folk, 1980).
